Mercedes-Benz Winter & Summer Events
Even Mercedes-Benz goes on sale. The challenge is to market the sale without tarnishing the brand image. We partnered with directors Sean Thonson and Simon McQuoid to bring the following projects to life.
Partner: Alex Smulian Directors: Sean Thonson (Winter) / Simon McQuoid (Summer)
Interactive / Social
4MATIC All-Wheel-Drive
We filmed for a week in Banff, Canada's mountain range to bring the following spot to life. Our director was Sean Thonson and our approach was straightforward: "What would Ansel Adams do?
Partner: Chris Landi Director: Sean Thonson
Digital Banner
260 horsepower R-Class by
The R-Class required a fresh approach. A new incentive, besides safety features, to justify paying more for a luxury mini-van. After all, no one wants a mini-van, not even parents in the market for one. These families deserve a better option - one that offers both safety and excitement. The 293-horsepower R-Class is that alternative. We worked with photographer/director Anton Watts on all video and still photography to bring the below campaign to life.
“Can I Borrow the Car” Relief Fund
R-Class owners shouldn't have to worry about their children borrowing their car. To prevent this, Mercedes-Benz is offering an online piggy bank for each of their kids. Deposits made by the children, friends, or family can be matched by the company, but only if the funds go towards purchasing a Pre-Owned Mercedes-Benz. Start saving now and help the kids get their own car!
The SL Roadster
This ran in a special issue of Newsweek during the season premier of Mad Men. Everything in the magazine from the articles to the ads were given a 1960's aesthetic. Listen to Tina Brown discuss the special issue here.
Official Car of the US Open